
MLM vs Top Tier Opportunities

A decade ago, there would have been no point in writing this article. MLM was the top dog and the default choice if you wanted to start a Network Marketing business. But more recently, there has been a rise in the prominence of Top Tier Opportunities which the internet has played a part of. So what form of Network Marketing is the best? Well let's take a closer look at them first.MLMMLM (Multi Level Marketing) led light bulbs has been going for over half a century and is still the major player in Network Marketing.Distributors market the products and get a commission on the number of products that either they or their downline (distributors that they sponsored into the company) sell. They receive commissions on the different levels (up to 5 or 7 levels below them) of distributors, hence the name Multi Level Marketing.The products themselves are usually a physical product such as health and beauty products. They are generally low end products, so the startup costs are lower than Top Tier Opportunities. This also means that commissions are lower and it will take more time to create decent cash flow.MLM, even today, is mostly promoted offline through methods such as: approaching your warm market, cold calling, prospecting in public, classified ads etc. The internet cannot be ignored by the MLM industry however, and online promotion is starting to become more important, with most companies now having websites for promotional purposes.Top Tier Opportunities.Top Tier Opportunities are still quite new to the world of Network Marketing. You could say that it is a cross between MLM and Direct Sales. The products are sold directly to the public and you get paid before the company does. Some companies have a two up program, where new people have to pass up two "training sales" to the person that sponsored them before they can receive a commission.The products are usually based on wealth/financial education and self development. Often they are digital products accessed through the internet. Overseas events and conferences are sometimes offered as a flagship product. The products are generally high end products (usually over $500), so the initial startup costs are higher. This also means commissions are higher, with the potential to make substantial cash flow quickly.Top Tier Opportunities are generally based around the internet more so than MLM. Offline strategies are still used, but the prospects are then directed to an informational website that explains the business. Online strategies should be implemented to generate leads such as: Content Marketing, Paid Marketing, and Social Marketing. Unfortunately, a lot of the companies don't teach people how to market online properly. And generating leads online is something that you want to learn.MLM vs Top Tier Opportunities - Which Is BetterBoth models are proven to be successful for those that are prepared to work Motorcycle Gloves at them. So it really comes down to personal preference.If you don't have a lot of capital but are OK with putting in a lot of time before seeing results, MLM could be your business.But if you would prefer to promote online, want to create an income sooner rather than later, and have some money to invest, then a Top Tier Opportunity might be for you.Certain people are even involved with both models. They combine the long term residual income of MLM with the fast cash of Top Tier Opportunities. I wouldn't recommend this for a biginner though, as it can be overwhelming enough with just the one business.Either way, do your research because there will be companies that are good and bad in either type.

